
GJ MacRae Foundation Repair

What Kind of Foundation Does Your Home Have?

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Written and Edited By Gavin MacRae


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Houses are a large purchase and a large responsibility. Getting to know your home and the way that it was constructed is a large part of ensuring that your home stays happy, healthy, and continues to provide you with the comfort and shelter that you and your family deserve. One of the main components of your home that you need to know is the kind of foundation that your home has. This blog will look at the three types of foundations and what makes them different from each other!

What Kind of Foundation Does Your Home Have?

Type of Foundations

There are three different types of foundations that a home can have. Although different, each foundation has a different benefit to bring to a home!

Slab Foundations

Slab foundations are a common type of foundation. This is because they require the least amount of work to the lot in order to begin building, the installation is simple, and they come with a lower price tag than other forms of foundations.

Similar to all types of foundations, the slab begins by the team pouring concrete footings. After the concrete has been poured, two layers (minimum) of concrete block will be laid on top. This ensures the structure is as sturdy as possible. Following this step, the internal piping is installed and then rock filler and more concrete is added.

Crawl Space Foundations

Instead of slab foundations, some homes have crawl space foundations. This means that the home is actually elevated off the ground. The first step to constructing a crawl space foundation is to pour the footing. The team will then carefully lay blocks that will help to support the walls of the home.

Crawl spaces are popular for those who want to save costs on constructing a basement, but that doesn’t mean that this type of foundation takes less time to construct. Crawl space foundations actually take approximately the same time to build as a full basement foundation!

Basement Foundations

A basement foundation is a concrete slab foundation that has an eight-foot or deeper hole. The walls of the basement foundation are typically constructed with concrete so that leaks and cracks are less likely to occur. Many older homes with basements were built using bricks which resulted in many repairs in the future due to their lack of structural integrity. Basement foundations are also great for keeping the foundation away from the frost line!

Call the Experts at GJ MacRae

If your foundation needs repair, or you’d just like it to have it examined by an expert, contact the team at GJ MacRae today! Our team will be more than happy to provide you with information and repairs to ensure your home stays safe for your family to enjoy!

Gavin MacRae is a professional foundation repair and basement waterproofing expert with over 20 years of experience in the field. He has extensive knowledge about foundation issues such as settlement, and cracks as well as expertise in repair techniques. Gavin is also highly skilled in basement waterproofing using interior and exterior methods. He has worked with hundreds of homeowners to provide permanent solutions to foundation and basement problems.