
GJ MacRae Foundation Repair

Basement Underpinning with HSS and Footing Installation (Hamilton)

Begin initial underpinning sections around complete perimeter of interior foundation walls in increments. Excavate underpins by hand and clean underside of footing with wire brush. Apply masonry adhesive to underside of footings. Once underpins are prepared, build and install timber forms. Forms shall accommodate positive concrete adhesion to underside of existing footings (overflow method) and allow for a void less encapsulation of existing structure to fresh underpins achieving a complete watertight seal (non-grout installation method).

Fill forms with 25 MPa concrete and install needle vibrator. Once primary underpins are completed repeat process around entire interior perimeter, staggered into pre-determined sectionals. Once full interior perimeter detail is complete, inspected and certified, prepare for complete excavation of basement floor by hand. Frame up and fasten existing furnace to joistwork. Begin excavation of debris through side access window directly to disposal bin. Once full excavation of underpinned sectionals has concluded, remove timber forms and install a complete 4” interior weeping tile system with filtercloth. Chip all loose debris from foundation walls and repair all masonry voids in existing foundation walls with S-type masonry. Once cured, fasten drainage board around complete interior perimeter from grade to base of fresh underpins.

Install sump box next to proposed services area and connect fresh 4“ weeping tile system into proposed sump box and install a 1/3hp cast iron oil cooled sump pump with check valve into sump basin. Install 8” of 3/4” clear gravel throughout entire basement floor. Once level and complete, proposed plumbing rough-in modifications are to take place (not included in below price).

Remove all debris or obstructions in way of existing beam access. Fasten timber plankage to interior joist work and install vertical iron shoring along complete length of existing beam/load bearing wall. Slowly begin lifting structure off of existing interior load bearing wall and secure the above structural load.

Once vertical structure and joist work is secured, remove existing beam/load bearing columns from basement and dispose. Install fresh vertical iron post and plates where applicable and pour specified concrete footings for post and load bearing walls. Fasten new vertical post to with approved hardware. Once full structural and plumbing inspections are completed, install a 4” concrete floor by hand and float level. Once post footings are cured, remove shoring and rest structure onto new post/footings installations. Remove and dump all debris.

Expert Waterproofing Services for Your Home

GJ MacRae Foundation Repair has been the industry leader for reliable basement waterproofing in the Greater Toronto Area Since 1975. Nearly five decades of experience inform our proven multi-stage repair process based on below-grade drainage considerations that allow us to waterproof concrete blocks, poured walls, and stone rubble foundation walls properly for the long term. Our repair solutions for leaking foundation cracks include using bitumen-based barrier membranes and high-efficiency weeping tile systems, which give us the edge in reliability and allow for the most robust foundation repair warranty available today in the GTA. Experience the GJ MacRae difference for year-round basement leak repairs in Toronto, Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, and Georgetown. If you spot cracked foundation walls, leaky foundations, or any other basement waterproofing issues in your house, reach out and call us today at (905) 824-2557.

Quality Foundation Repair Done Right.